
the great influence of pink zebra chi straightener

Heard chi hair products whole body trembling, eyes red as if stained with blood. Zhang Qingxiu refined handsome face at the moment but pale appears to be terminally ill, Scarlet dye into shred. Forehead chi moment tangled up, sad Qijue the sufferings of thousands of years, and seems to accumulate, and precipitation of years of grief.

"chi products, this will not be before you leave me, OK?" She suddenly said softly. The thought that life and parting, the heart will be pulling pain, boundless bitter rolling strikes. "You do not know, every time I hear you say chi's time to go, I was even dismay, not longer, okay?"

Silent for a moment, chi straighteners strong laughs: "heart child, etc. After I finish what I do, there will never leave your side, I do not go even if you're in a hurry.""Why wait until now can not tell me?" chi Ningle screwed eyebrow, could not help but feel a bit worried and asked, the thing you have to do is not very dangerous, you are afraid that I am worried why they did not dare to tell me? '